Aflevering 134 - het bloedbad van Tulsa

In de Amerikaanse stad Tulsa breekt in 1921 een opstand uit naar aanleiding van de arrestatie van de 19-jarige Dick. Hier is aflevering 134!

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Voornaamste bronnen:

DeNeen L. Brown - His arrest sparked the Tulsa Race Massacre. Then Dick Rowland disappeared.

Kweku Larry Crowe & Thabiti Lewis – The 1921 Tulsa Massacre

Scott Ellsworth - The Ground Breaking: The Tulsa Race Massacre and an American City’s Search for Justice

German Lopez - An eyewitness account of the horrific attack that destroyed Black Wall Street

Chris M. Messer, Thomas E. Shriver & Alison E. Adams - The Destruction of Black Wall Street: Tulsa's 1921 Riot and the Eradication ofAccumulated Wealth

The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture - Tulsa Race Massacre

The Oklahoman – Jim Crow Laws in Oklahoma

Wikipedia - Roy Belton, Jim Crow Laws, Dick Rowland, The Birth Of A Nation, Tulsa Race Massacre

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